All the photos link to an expanded page of 5 to 20 photos.

Fiery Troated Hummingbird
Fiery-throated Hummingbird

Green-crowned Brilliant
Green-crowned Brilliant

Green Thorntail
Green Thorntail

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Green Violetear
Green Violetear

Magnificent Hummingbird
Magnificent Hummingbird

Coppery-headed Emerald
Coppery-headed Emerald

Purple-throated Mountaingem
Purple-throated Mountaingem

Violet Sabrewing
Violet Sabrewing


Misc. Birds

Amazon Kingfisher
Amazon Kingfisher

Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole

Brown Jay
Brown Jay

Hoffmans Woodpecker
Hoffman's Woodpecker

Masked Titrya
Masked Titrya

Northern Jacana
Northern Jacana

Piratic Flycatcher
Piratic Flycatcher

Red-legged Honeycreeper
Red-legged Honeycreeper

Rufous-collared Sparrow
Rufous-collared Sparrow

Southern Lapwing
Southern Lapwing

Tropical Kingbird
Tropical Kingbird

Yellow-headed Caracara
Yellow-headed Caracara

Mantled Howler
Mantled Howler

White-headed Capuchin
White-headed Capuchin

Squirrel Monkey
Central American Squirrel

Three-toed Sloth
Three-toed Sloth


Scenery & Plants

Green Iguana
Green Iguana

his lizard is able to run short distances across water using both its feet and tail for support
Plumed Basilisk

American Crocodile
American Crocodile